
EBRD Sells Interest In Romania’s BRD For RON454.7M

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on Wednesday sold its stake in Romania's second-largest bank BRD-Groupe Societe Generale (BRD.RO) for 454.7 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2261), in several deals on the Bucharest stock exchange.

Banca Transilvania Shares Suspended From Trading In Bucharest

The shares of Romanian lender Banca Transilvania (TLV.RO) were suspended Monday from trading on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, following the indictment of the bank’s chairman on insider trading charges.

Romania’s Transport Min Could Take Over Maritime Transport Co CFR Ferry-Boat

Romania’s Transport Ministry plans to take over the stake owned by the freight division of the national railroad company CFR Marfa in maritime and coast transport company CFR Ferry-Boat and allot the company subsidies worth 13.12 million lei (EUR1=RON 4.2894) next year.

Romanian Stocks Continue Fall After Trading Resumes

The Romanian shares extended their losses on Monday, after trading on the Bucharest Stock Exchange resumed following a half an hour halt.

Romanian Nuclearelectrica Shrs Listing Impossible By Yearend-BVB Pres

Romanian power station operator Nuclearelectrica could not list its shares on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, or BVB, by yearend, as the company has not effectively started the listing process, BVB president Stere Farmache said Thursday.

Foreign Purchase Of Romania Shrs, Bonds 4-Mos RON207.8M Vs RON1.11B On Yr

The combined volume of shares and bonds that foreign investors bought on the Bucharest Stock Exchange and the Rasdaq market in the first four months declined to 207.8 million lei (EUR1=RON3.213), from RON1.11 billion during the same period a year before,the Romanian Securities Commission said Monday

Greek Group OTE To Buy Out Cosmote Hldrs, Take GSM Op Off Athens Bourse

Greek telecom company OTE is obliged by current regulations to acquire the shares it does not hold in Romanian GSM operator Cosmote, for EUR26.25 per share, as Monday, March 31, was the last day of trade for Cosmote on the stock market, OTE announced.

Romania’s BCR To Play Mkt Mkr For Erste Bank On Bourse

Romania’s largest lender, Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR) will kick off intermediation activities in the transaction system of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, according to a press release issued by the market operator.

Romania’s Fondul Proprietatea Share Transactions Now Regulated

Shareholders of investment fund Fondul Proprietatea may sell their shares before the fund is listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, according to amendments to the fund’s by-laws approved by the government and published in the Romanian Official Gazette.