
Netflix testează o nouă funcţie. Butonul de „Shuffle Play” va fi adăugat pentru selectarea aleatorie filmelor şi serialelor de pe platformă

Netflix intenţionează să implementeze un buton de amestecare a emisiunilor existente pe platformă pentru a-i ajuta pe utilizatorii indecişi. Compania a efectuat o serie de teste ale noii funcţii încă din luna iulie. Noile butoane sunt denumite generic „Shuffle Play” şi „Play Something”.   Interesting new feature @netflix … but what kind of insane person […]

Romanian PM Officially Announces Replacements For Shuffled Ministers

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Thursday announced that ministers Adriean Videanu, Sebastian Vladescu, Mihai Seitan, Mihail Dumitru, Gabriel Sandu and Radu Berceanu would be replaced with Ion Ariton, Gheorghe Ialomitianu, Ioan-Nelu Botis, Valeriu Tabara, Valerian Vreme and Anca Boagiu.

Romanian Labor Min Mihai Seitan To Be Replaced

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Thursday that Prime Minister Emil Boc informed him that he is among the ministers to be replaced, with a final decision expected later in the day.

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Agriculture Minister Mihail Dumitru To Be Replaced

Romanian Agriculture Minister Mihail Dumitru told MEDIAFAX on Thursday that he was invited by Prime Minister Emil Boc to the Government’s headquarters and informed he is among the ministers to be replaced.