
SUA intră în SHUTDOWN peste 4 zile. Milioane de americani sunt în mare dificultate, Ucraina riscă să rămână fără ajutoare financiare semnificative

Casa Albă, Congresul şi alte instituţii federale se pregătesc acum pentru un „shutdown” (închidere sau blocaj guvernamental atunci când Congresul nu ajunge la un acord comun privind bugetul pe următorul an). Oficialii de rang înalt ai aripii de vest elaborează planuri – care angajaţi sunt „esenţial” şi care angajaţi vor fi concediaţi începând cu 1 […]

Ara Shoes To Shut Down Romanian Factory in Salaj in April

German footwear manufacturer Ara Shoes is set to close its Romanian factory in Salaj county, in April and lay off some of its employees in Bihor county, sources told Ziarul Financiar.

Romania To Shut Down Nuke Reactor For Minor Repairs – Sources

One of the two reactors at Romania’s sole nuclear power plant Cernavoda will be shut down Friday, for at most two days, for repairs of an equipment malfunction, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romania’s Letter Of Intent To IMF No Longer Includes Shutdown Of Inefficient Hospitals

Romania’s letter of intent to the IMF, approved by the Government Wednesday, no longer stipulates that 150 of the country’s most inefficient hospitals will have their licenses revoked, and enables the Health Ministry to maintain a functioning healthcare system, within budget limits.

Romania To Shut Down Duty-Free Shops Upon License Expiry

Romania’s Government will no longer grant licenses to duty-free shops and currently valid licenses are set to expire in five years from their release date, says the tax evasion draft issued Wednesday.

Moldovan News Agency BASA-press Closed Over Financial Crisis

The Republic of Moldova’s independent news agency BASA-press will shut down as of January 1, 2010 because of the financial crisis, agency managers told MEDIAFAX.

Romania’s Nuclearelectrica Cracked Water Pipe Fixed By Tue

Romanian Nuclearelectrica, operator of the country's sole nuclear power plant in Cernavoda, on Sunday said specialists are fixing a cracked water pipe at one of its nuclear reactors and the unit will be restarted on June 2.

Romania’s Nuclear Plant Shut Dn In Storm Aftermath

Romania’s sole nuclear power plant Cernavoda shut down Tuesday evening after a powerful storm battered the southeastern region of the country and damaged power lines connecting the plant to the national power grid, the plant’s operator Nuclearelectrica said Wednesday in a statement.

Romanian Nuclear Reactor Shut Dn On False Alarm

The second nuclear reactor of Romania sole power station Station was switched off Thursday due to a false alarm, the station’s operator Nuclearelectrica said in a statement.

Romania’s 2nd Nuke Shut Dn Again

The second nuclear reactor at Cernavoda power plant was shut down again Tuesday night on minor malfunction during periodical tests, power station operator Nuclearelectrica said Wednesday.