
SMEs Call for Urgent Government Action to Navigate Covid-19 Crisis

Around 98.6% small and medium-sized businesses in Romania say their activity will be deeply affected in the upcoming period by restrictions imposed in a bid to limit the spread of Covid-19 and call for urgent measures to stay afloat.

Bancpost, Eximbank Sign SME Funding Agreement With RON20M Guarantee Cap

Small and medium-sized companies with insufficient assets to cover guarantees may get loans from Bancpost, under a guarantee cap of RON20 million, following an agreement between the lender and EximBank.

Fewer Romanian SMEs Unable To Repay Loans – SME Guarantee Fund

The number of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) unable to pay back their loans has decreased this year and SMEs have started taking loans for investments rather than mere subsistence, said Thursday Aurel Saramet, head of the country’s guarantee fund for SMEs.

Romanian Economy Ministry Signs First Financing Contracts For Young Entrepreneurs

Romania’s Economy Ministry signed Wednesday the first 70 contracts financing the businesses of young entrepreneurs through a government program.

Romanian Economy Ministry Signs First Financing Contracts For Young Entrepreneurs

Romania’s Economy Ministry signed Wednesday the first 70 contracts financing the businesses of young entrepreneurs through a government program.

Romanian Guarantee Fund ’10 Payments To Banks Rise To RON95M

Romanian SME loan guarantee fund FNGCIMM paid some 95 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2496) to banks last year, up 35% from RON70 million in 2009, mostly for working capital loans.

Romanian Finance Ministry To Reduce Paperwork Filed By Small Businesses

Romania's Ministry of Public Finance plans to reduce the paperwork required from small enterprises and allow them more time to file tax statements, state secretary Dan Lazar said Thursday in a seminar hosted by daily paper Ziarul Financiar.

Most Romanian SMEs Believe Crisis Will Reach Peak This Year – Poll

Most heads of Romanian small and medium enterprises believe the crisis will reach its peak this year, while a quarter of company officials questioned in a poll by the SME Council expect the peak to happen in 2011.

Romanian Banks, SMEs Need Dialogue To Revive Lending

Lending in Romania won't resume as long as banks and the small and medium-sized enterprises keep treating risk as a hot potato, refusing to split it, according to Aurel Saramet, president of Romanian SMEs guarantee fund FNGCIMM.

Romanian SMEs Want Early Pft Tax Payment Postponed Until 2020

Romanian SMEs disagree with eth Government’s decision to cancel early profit tax payments until 2012 and want the measure kept for microenterprises until 2020, arguing these small businesses need several years to recover from the economic crisis.

Romania’s Min Tax Caused RON100M Loss To State Budget, Left 56,000 People Jobless – SMEs

The Romanian government’s decision this summer to have companies pay a minimum tax depending on their revenue has generated a loss of 100 million lei (EUR1=RON4.3079) to the state budget and left 56,000 people unemployed because 26,000 shut down, Romania’s SMEs council said Friday.

Romanian SMEs Ministry Designs “Starter Firm” Law For Youths

Romanian youths aged up to 35, who have never owned a company, will be able to set up a firm with a share capital of 10 lei (EUR1=RON4.2293) and which will be exempt from profit and wage taxes in the first three years, according to an initiative of the Ministry for SMEs.

Romanian Cos Need Optimism To Overcome Crisis – PM

The Romanian Government will support companies that face difficulties, but a note of optimism is also needed to overcome the harmful effects of the economic crisis, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.

Romania’s Govt Extends SMEs Guarantee Fund’s Object Of Activity For „First Home” Proj

Romania’s Government extended object of activity for the National Fund Guaranteeing Loans of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises’ by emergency ordinance, so that it may also guarantee mortgage loans for the “First Home” project, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.

Romania To Increase State Aid Ceiling For SMEs – PM

Romania will increase the ceiling for state aid granted to small and medium-sized companies, or SMEs, Prime Minister Emil Boc told government members at the beginning of the Cabinet meeting Wednesday.

Romanian SMEs May Submit Online Unemployment Statements As Of May 19

Romanian small and medium-sized enterprises in Bucharest and surrounding Ilfov county can submit via, starting May 19, online statements on the registration of insured employees and contributions to the unemployment security budget toward the National Employment Agency (ANOFM).

Privatizations, Public Acquisitions Should Be Sealed On Bourse – Romanian SMEs Min

Privatizations and public acquisitions in Romania should be made through the Bucharest Stock Exchange to eliminate any suspicion as to the correctness of the operations, Constantin Nita, the Minister for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Commerce and Business Environment, said Tuesday.

Romania To Capitalize CEC, Eximbank, Exempt Reinvested Pft From Taxation As Of 2H – SMEs Min

The capitalization of Romanian state-owned CEC Bank and Eximbank, the setup of the fund co-guaranteeing loans for small- and medium-sized enterprises and the tax exemption on the reinvested profit will be made in the second half of 2009, the country's SMEs Minister Constantin Nita said.

Romania’s SME Min Advises Local Cos To Expand Abroad, Raise Exports

Constantin Nita, Romania’s Minister for the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Commerce and Business Environment, advises SMEs to expand abroad, saying that some locally-manufactured products are not known even on the Romanian market.

Half Of Romanian SMEs Seriously Affected By Econ Crisis – Poll

Half of Romanian small and medium-sized firms are seriously and severely affected by the economic and financial crisis, according to a poll conducted in April by the National Council of Private SMEs in Romania.

Romanian SMEs No Longer Welcome Holiday Tickets

Romania’s Council for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on Friday announced they have reconsidered the opportunity of holiday tickets for employees, arguing the move will put 20% of the SMEs out of business.

Econ Crisis Will Kill Some 40% Of Romanian SMEs – SME Min

The Romanian minister in charge with small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), commerce and the business environment, Constantin Nita, said Thursday some 40% of SMEs will have problems this year and could go bankrupt because of the economic crisis.

Romanian SME Min Plans To Up Funding For SMEs, Restructure Ministry

Romania’s new minister for SMEs, Commerce and the Business Environment, Constantin Nita, plans to increase funds from the state budget assigned to back small and medium-sized companies and wants to restructure the ministry, Nita told MEDIAFAX in an interview Thursday.

Romanian Bk Assoc Head: Banks Want Rate Subsidies For SME Lending

The bankers have proposed the Economy and Finance Ministry to subsidize the interest rates paid for loans taken by the small and medium-size companies, which might be strongly affected by the economic crisis, Romanian Banks’ Association president Radu Ghetea said Thursday.

Only 1-2% Of Romanian Small, Micro Firms Take Bank Loans

Only 1-2% of Romania’s 550,000 small firms and micro-enterprises took loans to fund their activity and the banking system is not ready to take the risk of such business, according to officials of the national guarantee fund for small and medium sized companies, or SMEs.

Household Lending Mkt Will Reach Saturation – Official

Banks will start focusing more and more on funding small and medium-sized enterprises, or SMEs, as the retail lending market will reach saturation, the head of the Romanian banking association ARB, Radu Gratian Ghetea, said Tuesday.