social benefits

Romania’s Social Code To Cap Benefits Granted To Individuals, Families – Labor Minister

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan told MEDIAFAX Tuesday that social benefits to be granted to individuals and families will not exceed a maximum cap to be set by the Social Code, a normative act that must be finished by the end of October.

Romanian Parents To Picket Government HQ Wednesday, Parliament HQ on June 1

Romanian parents will picket the Government headquarters on May 26 and will stage protests in Iasi and Brasov displeased with the Executive’s plan to cut child-rearing and other social benefits granted to children, protesters’ representatives said in a press release Thursday.

Romanian Disabled People, War Veterans Affected By Cost Cutting Program

Romania will slash social benefits by 15% starting June 1 and the measure will also be applied for people with disabilities, war veterans and widows, ex-political prisoners and deportees, as well as for pensioners whose spouses died, according to a draft emergency decree to cut social spending.

Romanian President Says Benefits For Children, The Disabled Will Not Be Slashed

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Sunday, after talks with union federation leaders, that social benefits for children and people with disabilities will not be reduced, adding all other subsidies are further poised to “analysis, reduction or elimination.”