
Asigurătorii români vor aplica setul european de directive Solvency II de la 1 ianuarie 2016

Asigurătorii români vor pune în aplicare, de la 1 ianuarie 2016, setul european de directive Solvency II, care urmăreşte creşterea protecţiei asiguraţilor prin armonizarea reglementării şi supravegherii sectorului.

Romanian Bancpost CEO: Keeping Banking System Liquid, Solvent Is A Priority

Mihai Bogza, CEO of Romanian lender Bancpost, told Mediafax that keeping the banking system liquid and solvent is a priority in times of economic crisis, adding that profit increase, although important, come second.

IMF Asks Romanian Ctrl Bk To Apply A Minimal 10% Solvency Limit To Bks

The International Monetary Fund asked the Romanian central bank to determine the necessary additional capital for banks, based on stress tests, so that the solvency rate of each institution is maintained above 10%, a level higher by two percentage points than the current bottom limit, of 8%.