
Romanian President Gives First Public Address Since The Start Of Protests

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Wednesday he perceives a "split" with the president for some Romanians, and pledged to regain the trust of the part of the public who has lost it.

Romanian President To Address Public On Wednesday

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Tuesday said he will have "a talk with the Romanians" Wednesday, which will be his first since the beginning of protests against the government and politicians in general, almost two weeks ago.

King Michael Of Romania Delivers First Speech In Parliament After Abdication In 1947

Romania’s former king, Michael I, addressed the Parliament Tuesday, on his 90th birthday and 64 years after his forced abdication in 1947.

President Traian Basescu Delivers Lofty Speech On Romanian Navy Day

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Sunday in Constanta, southeastern Romania, during the events celebrating the Romanian Navy Day, that this day is an opportunity for people to come together and to commemorate the fallen heroes.

President Traian Basescu Delivers Lofty Speech On Romanian Armed Forces Day

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Sunday in Carei, northwestern Romania, during the events celebrating the Romanian Armed Forces Day, that the Romanian Army “has a great contribution to Romania’s prestige” and is actively involved in the fight against terrorism.

Romanian Lawmaker Reads Made-Up Speech In Parliament, Lawmakers Applaud -Paper

Romanian liberal lawmaker Adriana Saftoiu tested her colleagues’ attention Tuesday and read a made-up political statement, which consisted of unrelated quotes pasted together, and met with applause at the end of the speech, Romanian daily Gandul reported Wednesday.

Romanian President Says Center-Left Ruling Coalition Was Necessary Compromise

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday evening in a speech in Parliament that the country’s center-left ruling coalition, which resulted from parliamentary elections last year, was a necessary political compromise.

Romanian Pres Says Magistrates Enjoy Freedom But Don’t Know What To Do With It

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Tuesday evening before the Parliament that magistrates enjoy total freedom but they don’t know what to do with this freedom, and continued mentioning article 21 of the Constitution, the one referring to free access to justice.

Romanian President Salutes Govt Initiative „To Modernize Romania”

Romania’s president Traian Basescu said Tuesday after the Government asked the Parliament for a confidence vote to enact the three packs of laws he admires the courage of the Executive and the ruling coalition in their attempt to modernize the country.

Romanian President: We Must Not Abandon Those Who Speak Our Language

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday, in his address to Parliament, that we must not abandon those who speak our own language, stressing Romania has no intention whatsoever to lay claim to past territories or contest the sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova.

Romanian President Delivers Lofty Speech, Calls For Country’s Modernization

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Saturday in eastern city of Focsani, during the ceremony celebrating 150 since the Union of Romanian Principalities, that Romania will not be affected by the economic crisis the way other countries are affected, adding this is a solid reason for the country to start its modernization process now.

A Govt Responsive To People’s Needs Will Have The Courage To Reform Healthcare Sys – U.S. Ambassador

U.S. ambassador to Bucharest Nicholas Taubman said Thursday in his farewell speech that “a government for the people will have the political courage to reform the healthcare system”.

Bush Recalled Rainbow In Bucharest Revolution Square In 2002

U.S. president George W. Bush started his speech Wednesday in Bucharest remembering his previous visit to Bucharest in 2002, saying he would never forget the rainbow that appeared in the rain.

Romanian Pres Heckled In Iasi

Romanian president Traian Basescu was booed and heckled in northeastern Romanian city Iasi, at the beginning of the speech he was about to hold. He immediately retorted saying that the event is not political, but the public offered the same response at the end of the speech.