
Romanian University “Spiru Haret” Allowed To Admit Students For ’09-’10 School Year

The Bucharest Court of Appeals decided Friday to suspend two articles of Government Decision 749/2009 eliminating "Spiru Haret” University from the list of acknowledged universities and banning the organization of 2009-2010 admission contests for new students looking to study at the university.

Romanian Govt Enacts Ordinance On „Spiru Haret” University

Romanian university "Spiru Haret" needs to disband long distance education, organize elections for the position of rector and to complete law studies at four years, according to an Ordinance enacted Wednesday by the Government, legalizing the university.

Spiru: „Lungan mi-a promis că îşi va retrage plângerea”

Secretarul clubului Jiul Petroşani, Marian Spiru, a declarat, sâmbătă, că în urma unei discuţii avute cu Mihai Lungan, jucător care a fost bătut de presupuşi bodyguarzi ai patronului Alin Simota, acesta i-a promis că va retrage plângerea depusă la Poliţie.