
Vasile Antonescu va face parte din echipa Simonei Halep

Simona Halep se pregăteşte intens pentru sezonul următor al WTA. Liderul clasamentului de simplu îşi reorganizează echipa, după ce a încetat colaborarea cu Darren Cahill.

Donald Trump a DEZVĂLUIT situaţiile financiare ale membrilor din staff-ul său, inclusiv ale fiicei sale Ivanka şi ginerelui său Jared Kushner

Preşedintele Statelor Unite, Donald Trump, a făcut publice, vineri, finanţele personale ale membrilor din staff-ul său, inclusiv ale ginerelui său Jared Kushner şi fiicei sale Ivanka, confirmând că s-a înconjurat cu câţiva consilieri extrem de bogaţi, scrie Reuters.

Cristian Chivu: Eu la Inter? Dacă mă cheamă… Până acum nu am vorbit cu nimeni

Fostul internaţional român Cristian Chivu, în vârstă de 35 de ani, legitimat la Internazionale Milano în perioada 2007-2014, a vorbit, marţi, în Gazzetta dello Sport, despre o posibilă revenire la clubul italian, în staff-ul noului antrenor, Frank De Boer.

Romanian Govt Approves Bill Cutting Interior Ministry Budget Spending

The Romanian Government on Monday approved a bill aiming to cut Interior Ministry budget spending and reduce staff numbers, people close to the matter said Tuesday.

HP Romania Eyes Hiring 600 People At Bucharest-Based Services Center GeBOC In 2011

Hewlett Packard (HP) Romania plans to hire 600 people in 2011 at its Bucharest-based services center Global eBusiness Operations (GeBOC), which is similar to the number of people hired in 2010, GeBOC general manager Alexander Weigl said in a press conference Thursday.

Hundreds Of Romanian Public Finance Sector Employees Stage Spontaneous Protests Over Wage Cuts

Hundreds of Romanian employees with the Finance Ministry and the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) in capital Bucharest Wednesday staged spontaneous protests over significant wage reductions triggered by the elimination of their wage bonuses.

Hospital Staff Protest Wage Cuts In E Romania, Clash With Security

Employees of the county hospital in Braila, eastern Romania, have clashed with security forces for the second day running Wednesday, as they tried to break into the hospital in their protest over wage cuts and planned layoffs.

Romanian Economy Ministry May Cut 10-15% Of Staff By Year-End – Sources

The staff of Romania’s Ministry of Economy could be cut by 10-15% by the end of the year and the number of state secretaries may be reduced to three from five, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Thursday.

Romania Pledges To Cut Staff Costs By 0.2% Of GDP In 2010

Romanian government pledged to cut public personnel expenditure by 0.2% of the gross domestic product in 2010, according to the country’s latest additional letter of intent to the standby agreement with the International Monetary Fund.

Băsescu: Am reproşat staff-ului că m-am dus neprevenit la emisiunea-capcană de la Realitatea

Traian Băsescu a declarat pentru cotidianul "România Liberă" că s-a dus, joi, la Realitatea TV, "într-o emisiune capcană", fără să fie prevenit de către staff-ul de campanie în legătură cu declaraţiile de miercuri ale lui Dinu Patriciu, menţionând că a reproşat echipei sale acest fapt, "dar inutil".

Romania’s Govt To Reduce Ministries’ Staff By 20%

Romania’s Government decided to reduce ministries’ staff by 20%, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday.

Romanian Youth Min To Chisel Away 40% Of Overall Staff

Romanian youth and sports minister Sorina Placinta said Thursday that the ministry will be able to maintain its activity with 60% of the current number of employees countrywide, adding that the central apparatus will be cut to half.

Romania To Operate Massive Layoffs Until June 2010 – Fin Min

Romania’s finance minister Gheorghe Pogea said Tuesday that, although Romania’s letter of intent to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) does not contain any figures with respect to future staff cuts, the country’s commitment to cut spending by 0.6% of GDP entails massive layoffs until June 2010.

Romania Agriculture Min Cuts 23 Management Positions

Romania’s Agriculture Ministry will cut management positions by 36% to 42, following the dismantling of 11 out of 32 departments, ministry secretary general Miron Moldovan said Thursday.

Romania’s CFR Marfa “Recommends” Payless Four-Day Leaves To Staff

Management at the freight division of the Romanian National Railroad Company (CFR) “recommended” to the heads of regional divisions, Saturday, to send TESA staff and all employees not working shifts on four-day payless vacations, which would spell a 20% cut in pay, company sources told MEDIAFAX.

Restructuring At Railroad Cos To Cause Social Disturbance – Transport Min

The staff in state-owned railroad companies is oversized and receives high pay, which is why in the next two-three weeks there will be some changes that will cause social disturbance, Romanian transport and infrastructure minister Radu Berceanu said Tuesday.

Romanian Education Min Frowns At Teaching Staff Cut Proposition

Romanian education minister Ecaterina Andronescu said Wednesday, after a meeting of the social democrat ministers with the party leaders, that she will not accept the Ministry of Finance proposition to cut staff or salaries in education.

Romanian Govt Plans To Reduce Staff Or Freeze Salaries In Education Sector- Union Leader

Romanian education unionists rejected the government’s decision to cut back on education staff by 20,000 people or freeze salaries in the sector, Aurel Cornea, head of the Federation of Free Unions in Education (FSLI), said Monday.

James Blunt pregăteşte un show impresionant pentru publicul român

Cântăreţul britanic James Blunt pregăteşte un show impresionant pentru publicul român, pe 21 februarie, la Romaero Băneasa, aparatura tehnică necesară pentru spectacol fiind transportată la Bucureşti cu patru camioane, informează organizatorii.

Romanian Govt Cuts Central Administration Staff By 20%

The Romanian Government will reduce by 20% the number of positions in the central public administration, representing ministries and government agencies, but the decision does not touch on the employees in the entire public sector.

Romania’s Cugir Mechanical Plant Drops Staff Cutbacks On Higher Demand

The management board of the mechanical plant in Cugir, central Romania, has given up staff cutbacks scheduled within the reorganization plan of the company, as the plant has contracts and large orders for next year.

Romania’s Fertilizer Plant Nitroporos To Lay Off 500 Staff In ‘09

Romanian-British joint venture InterAgro will lay off some 500 employees at its Nitroporos company, trade union officials said Tuesday, threatening full-scale protests against the decision.

French Carmaker Renault To Up Prices, Freeze Recruiting, Delay Projs On Adverse Mkt Conditions

French carmaker Renault will increase sales prices, temporarily freeze staff recruitment in Europe, and is considering postponing several low-priority projects citing difficult market conditions, the company said Thursday.

Romania Lacks 17 Employees/Company On Avg – Poll

Labor force shortage in Romania is of 17 employees per company on average, and might go up to 29 employees, especially in sectors requiring skilled workers, according to a poll by the Council for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, or SMEs.

UPDATE: Patru membri din staff-ul lui Julio Iglesias, implicaţi într-un accident rutier (VIDEO)

Patru membri ai staff-ului cântăreţului Julio Iglesias au fost implicaţi, marţi după-amiază, într-un accident rutier pe Transfăgărăşan, după care au fost supuşi unor investigaţii la Clinica de Traumatologie, Arşi şi Chirurgie Plastică Reparatorie din Timişoara, aflându-se în afara oricărui pericol.