state guarantee

Romania Mulls Guaranteeing Homeowner Loans For Thermal Rehabilitation

Romania’s Development and Tourism Ministry will present a draft decision in the Cabinet meeting Wednesday whereby the state guarantees bank loans for homeowners’ associations for the thermal rehabilitation of apartment buildings, Minister Elena Udrea said Tuesday.

Romanian Transport Min Plans To Give State Guarantees To Infrastructure Builders

Romania’s Transport Ministry wants to give state guarantees to infrastructure builders, a measure discussed with Prime Minister Emil Boc and the International Monetary Fund, Minister Radu Berceanu said Tuesday.

Romanian Farmers To Get State Guarantee Of Up To EUR2.5M For Loans

Romanian farmers can take bank loans with a state guarantee of up to EUR2.5 million, Agriculture Minister Mihail Dumitru said Tuesday after a Cabinet meeting.

Romania To Urge IMF, EC To Double State Guarantee Cap – PM

Romania will urge the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Commission (EC) to double the state guarantee ceiling, currently set at EUR1.4 billion, in order to extend the mechanism in agriculture and at the level of local administration, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday.