
Romanian President Promulgates Amended Law On Statute Of Public Servants

Romanian President Traian Basescu signed Tuesday the decree promulgating the amended Law on the Statute of public servants, after the Constitutional Court ruled in April that several of its articles were unconstitutional.

Romanian Parliament Adopts Reexamined Civil Servants Statute

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday adopted the report drafted by the Chamber’s committee for legal matters, which reexamined the law on the statute of public servants and left out provisions declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court.

Romanian Ruling Party Pushes Public Servants’ Statute Through Lower Chamber

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies adopted Tuesday, with 172 pros, no cons and no abstentions the draft law on the Statute of Public Servants, while the two main opposition parties, PNL and PSD were absent from the proceedings.

Statute Of Limitations Rids Romanian Businessman S.O. Vantu Of Forgery Charges

The Bucharest Court of Appeals decided Tuesday, by final decision, the discontinuation of the trial on the creation of the International Bank for Development (BID), a case where businessman Sorin Ovidiu Vantu was charged with forgery.

Romanian Coaches Must Attend Press Conferences Or Face Fines

Romanian Football Federation's Coach School principal Mircea Radulescu said Wednesday that League I coaches who fail to attend press conferences after official games will be fined 10,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.1892).

Romanian President Calls For Reexamination Of Magistrates’ Statute

Romanian President Traian Basescu sent the Parliament Friday a request for the reexamination of amendments to the law on the statute of judges and prosecutors, saying that the European Commission would file a negative report if magistrates are allowed to occupy positions without a contest.