
Romanian PM Wants Parliament To Endorse Anticorruption Strategy

Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu will propose the signing by the Parliament of a political declaration on the application of the 2012-2015 National Anticorruption Strategy, which simplifies the procedure to lift MP immunity.

Romania’s Anticorruption Strategy Sets Evaluation Indicators Of Measures Preventing Corruption

Romania’s draft National Anticorruption Strategy for 2011-2014 sets a series of measures aimed to prevent corruption, such as declaring gifts, transparency in decision making, or setting a register noting code of conduct breaches by high officials and public servants.

Romanian Public Wage Rights Kept Intact This Year, Decided Through Budget In 2012 – PM

Romania's fiscal strategy was agreed upon with the EU and IMF, and does not affect current public wages or pensions, but the value of these payments in 2012 will be set through next year's budget and wage law, according to developments on foreign markets, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.

Romania To Reshuffle Energy Production By 2035 – Strategy

Romania plans to replace over half of its 20,437 MW installed electrical output with new units by 2035, Economy Ministry director Alexandru Sandulescu said Tuesday.

Romania’s Strategy For Digital TV Switch To Be Ready In Next Two-Three Mos – Min

Romania’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology will present, in the next two-three months, a new strategy for the switch from analog to digital television, IT&C Minister Valerian Vreme said in a press conference Wednesday.

Romanian Parliament’s Foreign Policy Committees Endorse National Defense Strategy

The foreign policy committees in the Romanian Parliament endorsed Monday the country’s national defense strategy and preserved those paragraphs that picture “orchestrated media campaigns that denigrate state institutions” as vulnerabilities.

EU Strategy Regarding Roma Ethnics Impossible At The Moment – Romanian Official

The Romanian presidential adviser for European Affairs, Leonard Orban, said Friday on RFI Romania that it is impossible to draw up a European strategy regarding Roma ethnics at the moment, as the European Union lacks expertise to deal with this problem.

Romania Needs To Correlate Sector Strategies – Econ Min

Romania's energy strategy needs to be correlated with the industrial and the chemical ones, otherwise the economic growth is out of the question, Economy Ministry official Tudor Serban said Thursday.

Romanian Govt To Allot RON1.9B Until 2013 To Implement e-Romania National Strategy

The Romanian Government will allot 1.9 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.0898) in the 2010 and 2013 interval to implement the e-Romania national strategy which aims to ease online communication between public administration and taxpayers, the Communications Ministry said in a press release Monday.

World Bank Launches Country Partnership Strategy With Romania For ’09 – ’13

The World Bank launched Thursday a new Country Partnership Strategy CPS with Romania, which sets the framework of the institution’s program on the local market for 2009-2013.

Romania Govt To Analyze Anti-Swine Flu Strategy June 17

Romania’s integrated strategy to fight the swine flu pandemic will be ready for approval in the government meeting on June 17, the Interior Ministry said Friday.

Romanian Businessmen Assoc Asks Govt For 3-Yr Fiscal Strategy

Romanian Businessmen Association AOAR asked the government and the Finance Ministry to draft a fiscal strategy for at least 3 years, saying that the government’s contradictory statements on various fiscal measures in 2009 and 2010 are confusing for the business environment.

Cos Should Cut Staff Only Based On Clear Strategy – Consultants

The companies should not cut the training budgets or lay off employees during a crisis period without a clear strategy, and the objectives should be adjusted to the employees’ ones for a higher staff motivation, according to consultants.

Romanian Govt To Draft Strategy For Black Sea Resources Exploitation

The Romanian government will draft a strategy for the exploitation of the resources assigned through the decision of the International Court of Justice in the dispute between Romania and Ukraine, in accordance with the national interest, and aiming to consolidate the country’s energy independence.

Romanian Cris-Tim Mulls Buying Competitors Faced With Liquidity Crisis

Romanian meat processing company Cris-Tim plans to buy its competitors facing liquidity problems, the company’s general manager Radu Timis said Thursday, adding that Romania will be strongly affected by the financial crisis as of 2009.

Romanian Presidency Submits Education Strategy For Public Debate

The leader of the presidential commission on education, Mircea Miclea, drafted a strategy for the upgrade of education, based on the propositions made by some of the participants in the Pact for Education.

Romania’s Rompetrol Mulls Gas Distr Network Expansion By 2012

Rompetrol Downstream, the retail division of Romania’s second-largest oil company, Rompetrol Group NV, owned by Kazakhstan's KazMunaiGaz, plans to extend by 2012 its franchised gas station network with another 250-300 units from independent companies.

Romanian Pres Says Education Strategy Should Include Student Views

Romanian president Traian Basescu said he hopes the strategy for education, based on the national pact on education, would be completed before the beginning of school year 2008 - 2009.

Romania Seeks To Attract Business Tourists In 2008

The Romanian authorities are to focus on business tourism and short trips promotion this year, seeking to lure tourists to big cities such as capital Bucharest, the Ministry of Tourism said in a statement Tuesday.

Commercial Breeding Of Pigs Banned In Romanian Cities

Swine breeding in non-professional system, namely for household use, is allowed exclusively in the rural environment, and prohibited in cities, as well as on meadows and in forests, according to a draft government decision approving the strategy for the eradication of the swine pest in 2008.