
ProPublica: Dosarele secrete IRS – Cum evită cei mai bogaţi americani plata taxelor

Date provenind de la Serviciul Intern privind Veniturile (IRS), agenţia fiscală din SUA, relevă că miliardari precum Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk şi Warren Buffett achită impozite pe venit foarte mici în raport cu averile vaste, uneori chiar deloc, conform organizaţiei media ProPublica. „În 2007, Jeff Bezos, la acea vreme multimiliardar, iar acum cel mai bogat […]

Romanian Voluntary Soldiers, Sergeants Sue Defense Ministry

Ten voluntary soldiers and sergeants in Cluj, northwestern Romania, sued the Ministry of Defense asking to be paid severance upon termination of their contarct when they turn 40, and other 60 soldiers threaten to take similar measures.

Romanian Tourism Min Refuses To Acknowledge Inquiry Committee

Romanian tourism minister Elena Udrea said Monday she decided to sue the participants in the discussions held in the inquiry committee, whose recording was made public by media.

Romanian Tourism Ministry To Sue Liberal Ludovic Orban For Slander

Romania's Tourism Ministry will sue liberal Ludovic Orban, president of the inquiry committee investigating the ministry's public spending, for slander and abuse of office after he said none of the advertisement expenses made by the Tourism Ministry were legal.

Bucharest Prefect Plans To Sue Official Gazette Over Missing Ballots

Bucharest prefect Catalin Deaconescu wants to sue the Romanian Official Gazette (MO) for the 33,072 voting ballots that were missing, after the counting of the forms, from the 1,973,506 forms ordered in the six districts.