
„ÎNCHIS, cu excepţia înregistrării naşterilor, căsătoriilor şi deceselor”. O primărie din România îşi suspendă programul de lucru cu publicul aproape o lună de zile

Primăria Moşniţa Nouă, din judeţul Timiş, a anunţat că suspendă, de luni, programul de lucru cu publicul până în 15 ianuarie 2018,primarul comunei explicând că “nu ţine de noi, ci de programele pe care le avem”. Angajaţii nu au, însă, liber, ci vor veni la serviciu, transmite corespondentul MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Conservative Leader Calls For Discussion On Head Of State’s Suspension

Romanian Conservative Party founding president and senator Dan Voiculescu has asked the Senate leadership to discuss whether preliminary procedures to suspend President Traian Basescu are required, but the signatures of a third of lawmakers are required to begin this process.

Romanian Public Servants Union FNSA Halts Strike

Romanian public servants union FNSA has decided to suspend its national strike, as of Wednesday 11 a.m., because of pressure from politicians and local authorities, who threaten to lay off striking unionists.

Romanian Public Administration Unions Suspend Strike As Labor Ministry Gives In To Demands

The Romanian National Federation of Public Administration Unions (FNSA) announced Monday it would suspend the general strike planned for Friday, as well as Tuesday pickets, after the Labor Ministry said all of the terms provided by collective labor contracts would be respected.

Romanian PM, Suspended Labor Min Discussed Decision Effects

Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu and labor minister Paul Pacuraru met Tuesday morning for half an hour to discuss the effects of the decree signed by President Traian Basescu, suspending Pacuraru from his position.