
Simina Tănăsescu: Ne dorim să vedem finalizate proiectele referitoare la evaluarea magistraţilor

Consilierul prezidenţial Simina Tănăsescu a spus, miercuri, la prezentarea raportului de activitate a CSM, că îşi doreşte să vadă finalizate,într-un termen rezonabil, proiectele referitoare la evaluarea magistraţilor, precizând şi că trebuie sporite eforturile în direcţia deschiderii către justiţiabil

Tănăsescu: FMI amână discuţia despre reducerea CAS-ului – VIDEO

Fondul Monetar Internaţional amână discuţia despre reducerea CAS-ului pentru următoarea rundă de negociere, care va avea loc peste trei luni, chiar dacă specialiştii săi susţin că economia României va creşte cu peste 1,5% anul acesta, a declarat pentru incont.ro Mihai Tănăsescu, reprezentantul Romaniei la FMI.

Romania’s Move To Cut VAT, Lift Pension Tax Calls For Careful Assessment – IMF

Romanian parliament’s decision to cut the value added tax for basic food items and lift a 16% tax on small pensions must be “carefully” analyzed to establish its possible effects on the economy, said Mihai Tanasescu, Romanian representative to the International Monetary Fund.

Romania Meets 9-Mo Fiscal Targets, IMF Delegation To Discuss Pension Bill – IMF Official

Romania has met its main nine month fiscal targets, and the International Monetary Fund delegation, coming to Bucharest in October for a new evaluation of the agreement, will assess the impact of sending the pension bill back to Parliament, said Romania's representative to the IMF, Mihai Tanasescu.

Ce spune Tănăsescu despre propunerea de a pune impozit progresiv

România a avut atât cotă progresivă de taxare cât şi cotă unică, însă veniturile la buget nu au crescut la mai mult de 31-32% din Produsul Intern Brut, a declarat pentru Gândul, reprezentantul României la FMI, Mihai Tănăsescu.

Romania’s Current, Invest Spending In Q1 Cut To Match Deficit Target

Romania’s Government slashed current and investment expenses during the first quarter to keep the budget deficit in check, as tax collections were lower than planned, Romania's representative to the International Monetary Fund told MEDIAFAX Thursday.

IMF: Next Tranche To Go Only To Romania Ctrl Bk

The fifth tranche of the loan Romania is getting from the International Monetary Fund will be allotted only for support of the central bank’s foreign currency reserves, Romania’s representative to the IMF said Thursday.

Romanian Economy Won’t Grow Without Quick Reforms – IMF Official

Romanian economy cannot post significant growth without swift structural reforms and an overhauling of the public expenditure by reducing current spending and increasing investment, according to Mihai Tanasescu, Romania's representative to the International Monetary Fund.

Romania Tax Collecting, Soc Security Systems Need Improvement – IMF Official

Romania must improve its tax collecting system and rethink the social security sector, because it’s bleeding money and the existing framework program does not provide sufficient monitoring of the collected amounts, an official at the International Monetary Fund said Thursday.

Romanian Economy Seen Growing 6% In 2012 – IMF Official

Romanian economy is likely to reach its growth potential of 5% to 6% per year as of 2012, Romania's representative at the International Monetary Fund, Mihai Tanasescu said Thursday.

Romanian Wages Growing By 20-25% Not Feasible – Romanian IMF Representative

Salary and pension raises in Romania will continue to be tied to the economy’s evolution, but 20-25% increases, like in 2006 and 2007, are not feasible, according to Mihai Tanasescu, Romania’s representative to the International Monetary Fund.

Românii nu trebuie să se mai aştepte la creşteri de salarii şi pensii de 20-25%

Creşterile de salarii şi pensii vor depinde în continuare de evoluţia economiei şi vor fi posibile doar în condiţiile unei mai bune discipline a sistemului, însă românii nu trebuie să se mai aştepte la majorările de 20-25% din 2006 şi 2007, consideră reprezentantul României la FMI, Mihai Tănăsescu.

Tănăsescu: Cursul nu va evolua spectaculos în viitoarele trimestre

Moneda naţională nu va avea evoluţii spectaculoase în următoarele trimestre faţă de nivelul actual al cursului de schimb, potrivit reprezentantului României la FMI, Mihai Tănăsescu, care crede că, pe baza fundamentelor economice, paritatea de echilibru se situează între 4,2 şi 4,3 lei/euro.

IMF Sees Romanian Econ Shrinking By 4% In 09, Budget Def At 4% Of GDP – Sources

International Monetary Fund's prognosis on Romanian economy shows a budget deficit above 4% of the GDP in 2009, as the GDP is expected to shrink by 3%-4% this year, Romanian representative to the IMF Mihai Tanasescu told the top members of the Social Democratic Party PSD, part of the ruling coalition.