
Hackerii care au sustras datele a 110 milioane de americani ar putea fi din spaţiul fost sovietic

Hackerii care au sustras datele bancare a aproximativ 110 milioane de clienţi ai reţelei de hypermarketuri Target scriau parţial în limba rusă, asftel că anchetatorii suspectează că aceştia ar proveni din spaţiul fost sovietic, informează Wall Street Journal, în ediţia online.

Romania’s 1H Budget Deficit At RON18.1B, Meets IMF Target

Romania's consolidated budget posted a deficit of 18.07 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2476) in the first year-half, below the target agreed with the International Monetary Fund, the Finance Ministry said in a statement Tuesday.

Romania Ctrl Bk Revises Up ’09 Inflation Forecast At 4.5%

Romania’s central bank revised upward its estimate on the 2009 annual inflation rate to 4.5% from 4.3% previously forecast, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Friday.

Romania, IMF Set 2010 Budget Def Below 6% – Sources

Romanian authorities and the International Monetary Fund have agreed on a budget deficit below 6% of the gross domestic product in 2010, from a 7.2% cap allowed this year, people familiar with the talks said Monday.