thermal rehabilitation

Romanian Development Min Wants EUR200M In EU Funds For Thermal Rehabilitation Projects

The Romanian Tourism and Regional Development Ministry asked the European Commission to allow for projects regarding the thermal rehabilitation of buildings to be financed with European funds, Minister Elena Udrea told a news conference Thursday.

Romania To Guarantee Homeowner Loans For Thermal Rehabilitation

Loans contracted by homeowners or homeowners’ associations to thermally rehabilitate apartment buildings will be guaranteed by the state via the guarantee fund for small and medium-sized enterprises, according to a draft law drawn up by the Romanian Regional Development and Tourism Ministry.

Romania Mulls Guaranteeing Homeowner Loans For Thermal Rehabilitation

Romania’s Development and Tourism Ministry will present a draft decision in the Cabinet meeting Wednesday whereby the state guarantees bank loans for homeowners’ associations for the thermal rehabilitation of apartment buildings, Minister Elena Udrea said Tuesday.

Romanian Senate OKs Decree Regulating Thermal Rehabilitation Program

Works to insulate old apartment buildings will be 50% paid from the state budget, the Romanian senate decided Wednesday, approving a government decree that targets energy efficiency by insulating old buildings.