transports ministry

Transports Minister Interviewed by Anticorruption Prosecutors

Romanian Transports Minister Razvan Cuc was subpoenaed by National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) prosecutors as a witness on Monday, commenting that the hearing concerning possible offences during his time as secretary of state within the ministry.

Romanian Transports Ministry Needs RON3.16B For Transylvania Hwy

Romania’s Transports Ministry needs 3.16 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1998) this year to continue work on the Transylvania Highway, but has only received RON700 million from the state budget and its debts to U.S. constructor Bechtel amounted to RON900 million in late-2009.

Romanian Transports Ministry To Introduce 3-Month Toll Sticker On Aug 1

Romania’s Transports Ministry will introduce on August 1 a road toll sticker valid for three months, but its price has not yet been set, state secretary Eusebiu Pistru told MEDIAFAX.