
Train Hits Truck In SE Romania, Driver Dies

Railroad traffic on the route connecting Romania’s capital Bucharest to southeastern Constanta was halted for about 20 minutes Wednesday morning after a train hit a truck, killing the driver on the spot.

Truck Falls Off Bridge, Causes Railway Traffic Restrictions In Cernavoda, SE Romania

A truck fell off a bridge over railway tracks in Cernavoda, southeastern Romania, and trains covering the route between Bucharest and Constanta were imposed speed restrictions which will triggers delays of maximum 20 minutes, Romanian state-owned railway company CFR said Friday.

Four Dead, Four Badly Injured In Truck-Hit Van In SE Romania

Four people died and other four were severely injured Friday evening, following a violent collision between a truck and a van on national road 22C, according to the latest information from Carmen Serbanescu, spokesperson of the local traffic police department in Constanta, southeastern Romania.

Truck Crashes Into Van In SE Romania, Kills 4

Four people died in a traffic accident Friday evening in southeastern Romanian locality Saligny, where a truck loaded with sand tipped over and crushed a van transporting people.