
”Adevărul” nord-coreean despre situaţia din cea mai izolată ţară a lumii. Ce spun oamenii lui Kim Jong Un despre pandemie

Coreea de Nord, cea mai izolată şi militarizată ţară a lumii, susţine că nu are niciun caz de COVID-19.

Declic: UN Launches Investigation Into Romanian Gendarmerie Violence At August 10 Rally

The United Nations has launched an inquiry into the violent intervention of the Romanian Gendarmerie at last year’s anti-government rally in Bucharest, on August 10, and requested explanations from the Romanian Government, according to civil activism platform Declic.

Romania Supports Bilateral Negotiations Between Palestinian, Israeli Authorities – President

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Thursday said Palestinian and Israeli authorities should hold bilateral negotiations regarding a Palestinian state and reach an agreement to suit both parties.

Romanian President Signs Condolences Book For Victims Of Mazar-i-Sharif Attack

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Wednesday signed the book of condolences for the victims of the attack on the UN office in Mazar-i-Sharif, northern Afghanistan, opened at the United Nations Information Center for Romania.

UN Presence In Romania Increases Country’s Credibility – PM

Romania will continue to support the reform of the United Nations, given the country’s current high credibility as regards cooperation with this organization, said Prime Minister Emil Boc on Tuesday, before leaving for the UN General Assembly meeting in New York City.

Romania Among Countries Least Safe From Extreme Weather

Romania is among the world’s countries most threatened by sudden onset hazard, according to the Mortality Risk Index, a Global Platform for Disaster Reduction (DRR) statement said Tuesday.

Romanian Foreign Ministry Responds To UN Accusations Regarding State Secrets

Romanian laws on the protection of classified information guarantee fundamental rights and prevent its misuse, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs stated for MEDIAFAX, after the publishing of a UN report accusing Romania of abusing state secret laws.

Simona Miculescu, Accredited As Romanian Ambassador To UN

Romanian President Traian Basescu Friday signed the decree accrediting Simona Miculescu as Romania’s ambassador to the United Nations, according to the presidential administration.

UN Forecasts 5.5% Econ Growth For Romania In ‘08

The United Nations (UN) forecast for 2008 a 5.5% economic growth in Romania, some one percentage point below the level estimated by Romanian authorities, according to a report compiled by the institution.