
Grupurile Underworld şi De La Soul, la prima ediţie Fall in Love Festival de la Mogoşoaia

Duoul electro-trance britanic Underworld şi grupul hip-hop american De La Soul se alătură unor artişti precum Liam Gallagher şi Kaiser Chiefs la prima ediţie a Fall in Love Festival, care va avea loc între 31 august şi 1 septembrie, la Palatul Mogoşoaia, potrivit organizatorilor.

Bucharest Crime Boss Nutu Camataru Released on Parole

Romanian infamous crime boss Ion Balint, known under the moniker Nutu Camataru, was released on parole from the Gaesti Penitentiary on Tuesday after serving only 16 months of a nearly six-year prison sentence he received for extortion.

Gorillaz şi Underworld, în concert la Bucureşti, pe 6 noiembrie

Gorillaz Sound System va concerta, alături de formaţia Underworld, la Sala Polivalentă din Bucureşti, pe 6 noiembrie, de la ora 22.00, biletele fiind deja puse în vânzare, la preţul de 50 de lei, informează organizatorii.

Underworld concertează la Bucureşti (Galerie Video)

Underworld, formaţie cult a muzicii electronice, concertează pe 7 noiembrie, la Romaero, în Bucureşti, sub umbrela seriei de evenimente Beck'sperience, informează organizatorii.

Police Detains Two Suspects In Murder Of Underworld Head, E Romania

Police Tuesday evening arrested two suspects in the killing of Marian Ivan, known as one of the heads of the underworld in Romania’s eastern town of Galati, who died Sunday night after he was stabbed in the neck outside a local bar.

Underworld Head Stabbed To Death In E Romania

A man, known as one of the heads of the underworld in Romania’s eastern town of Galati, died Sunday night after he was stabbed in the neck outside a local bar.

Bucharest Underworld Heads Generally Wanted In Drug Dealing Case

Two heads of the Bucharest underworld were placed on the generally wanted list for evading prosecution, after border police and organized crime prosecutors have clear evidence they are involved in an international drug dealing case.