unemployment aid

EXCLUSIVE: Romania Cuts Unemployment Aid 10% For 2011, More Beneficiaries Expected

The average unemployment aid in Romania next year will be 10% lower than this year, of 476 lei (EUR1=RON4.3079) from the current RON523, while unemployment aid for young graduates will be kept at RON300.

Romania To Set Unemployment Aid At 75%- 90% Of Reference Social Indicator Of RON500

Unemployment aid in Romania could be set at 75% to 90% of the country’s reference social indicator, which is currently at 500 lei (EUR1=RON4.2972), people close to the matter said Monday, adding the measure is to be discussed by the Government.

EXCLUSIVE: Romania Unemployment Aid No Longer Tied To Min Wage In 2011

Romania’s Government has committed to the IMF to no longer tie unemployment aid to the minimum wage to avoid having to raise it along with the wage hike planned for 2011, according to the Government’s letter of intent.