
Elevă salvată miraculos din faţa maşinii de o poliţiştă curajoasă

În SUA, o fată a fost impinsă din faţa unei maşinu care n-a oprit la trecerea de pieteni.

NATO Announces Completion of Technical Update for Aegis Shield in Deveselu

The Romanian part of the US Aegis anti-missile shield in Deveselu, Olt county, completed a scheduled technical update on Friday, according to a NATO statement.

US Sends Hundreds of Troops, F-16 Fighter Jets to Romania to Deter Russian Aggression

The US Army sent hundreds of troops and supplemental F-16 fighter jets in Romania to bolster defense on NATO’s Eastern flank and discourage possible Russian aggression, according to army personnel quoted by American military newspaper Stars and Stripes.

Statele Unite avertizează Germania că o înţelegere cu Huawei ar putea afecta schimbul de informaţii secrete

Statele Unite ale Americii au transmis Germaniei că vor întrerupe schimbul de informaţii secrete dacă va permite companiei Huawei să participe la dezvoltarea reţelei mobile 5G.

Reuters: Romania not Using Huawei Equipment for Essential Communications Infrastructure

Romania is not using any equipment made by Chinese tech giant Huawei in the essential infrastructure managed by its Special Telecommunications Service (STS), the agency announced in a statement sent to Reuters.

Romania Allows U.S. To Use SE Airport, Harbor For Transit

Romania’s highest defense body, CSAT, has allowed the USA to use the Mihail Kogalniceanu airport and Constanta harbor in southeastern Romania as transit points for the transport of troops and arms to and from Iraq and Afghanistan.

WikiLeaks: US-Romania Relations Threatened By Musician’s Death

U.S. diplomats said in November 2007 the impending "final offer" by the U.S. Army Foreign Claims Service, Europe to the family of the late Romanian rock star Teofil Peter seems certain to have a significant, negative effect on the U.S.-Romanian relationship, The Guardian reported.

U.S. State Dept Human Rights Report On Romania Criticizes Uninominal Voting Sys

The United States Department of State 2008 human rights report on Romania criticizes aspects of the country’s uninominal voting system whose formula is too complex, as well as the lack of convictions in high-level corruption cases and the existence of ethnic and religious discrimination.

US Soldier Shot With Rubber Bullets In SE Romania

One off-duty US soldier was shot with rubber bullets, Saturday morning, in a fight broken out between another three of his buddies had with a group of bikers in Romanian seaside resort Mamaia.

Rromani Ethnics Stab US Journalist In Romania

A journalist from an American daily was stabbed in Romania by two Rromani ethnics in eastern Romanial locality Teisoru, in Vaslui county, while he was conducting research in the Rromani community of that area.