
Romania Tourism Revenue Down 10% In Summer ’11, Despite Activity Hike

Corina Martin, head of the Romanian Tourism Agency Association and of the "Litoral-Delta Dunarii" Association, said Thursday that hotel revenues were 10% lower this summer compared to last year, despite a slight increase in the number of tourists.

Nearly Three In Ten Romanian Townspeople Give Up Vacation This Year- Survey

Nearly three in ten Romanian townspeople will give up vacation this year, and another 16% of them will reduce their budget travel, according to a survey conducted by market research company 360insights.

Romanian Car Mkr Dacia Grants Over EUR2M In Vacation Bonuses To Employees In ‘09

Romanian automaker Dacia, owned by French Renault, will grant vacation bonuses of 610 lei (EUR1=RON4.2397) this year for each of its nearly 14,000 employees, with the total net value of bonuses amounting to RON8.54 million (EUR2.01 million).

Romanian PM Wants No Vacation For Public Servants Handling EU-Funded Projects

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Thursday urged the heads of decentralized services to ban public servants approving European Union-funded projects from going on vacation, in order to contract EU funds time and avoid losing them.

Romanian Govt Postpones Vacation Bonus Granting Until Yearend

The Romanian Government decided to postpone the granting of vacation bonuses until the end of the year, when a complete analysis on the evolution of the economy and of the available budget resources will be performed, official sources told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.

Romanian PM Says Will Skip Vacation This Year To Work On Restarting Country’s Economy

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday he will not go on vacation this year, because he needs to get the country through a difficult year, adding he hopes his wife and two daughters would understand his decision.

Romanian Govt To Issue Ordinances During Parliament Vacation

Romanian president Traian Basescu promulgated, Thursday, the Law enabling the Government to issue ordinances during the Parliament vacation, the presidential administration announced.