
INEDIT: Niciun jucător cu numele „van” în echipa Olandei într-un meci oficial, premieră după 1996

Pentru prima oară din 1996 niciun jucător olandez cu numele "van" nu va fi aliniat într-un meci oficial, luni, cu naţionala statului Chile, la Sao Paulo, în grupa B a Cupei Mondiale.

IMAGINI APOCALIPTICE: Mometul prăbuşirii unui hotel în timpul cutremurului din Turcia – VIDEO

Prăbuşirea unui hotel din Turcia, în urma cutremurului de miercuri, a fost suprinsă de o cameră de securitate.

Four Dead, Four Badly Injured In Truck-Hit Van In SE Romania

Four people died and other four were severely injured Friday evening, following a violent collision between a truck and a van on national road 22C, according to the latest information from Carmen Serbanescu, spokesperson of the local traffic police department in Constanta, southeastern Romania.

UPDATE: Thirteen Dead, Three Badly Injured In Train-Hit Van, In NE Romania

Other two people of those injured on Friday in the train-hit van in Iasi, north-eastern Romania, died on the way to the hospital, increasing the death toll to thirteen, including one infant, deputy secretary of state Raed Arafat said Friday.

Truck Crashes Into Van In SE Romania, Kills 4

Four people died in a traffic accident Friday evening in southeastern Romanian locality Saligny, where a truck loaded with sand tipped over and crushed a van transporting people.