
Romania To Tax Meal, Gift, Nursery, Vacation Vouchers As Of July 1, 2010

Meal, gift, nursery and vacation vouchers, as well as compensatory payments, will all be taxed as of July 1, when the Romanian Government is set to enforce the recent amendments to the country’s Tax Code, which target to expand the taxation pool.

Romania Issues 30,000 More Scrapping Vouchers Within Cash For Clunkers Program

Romania has increased the number of scrapping vouchers within its national cash for clunkers program for the third time this year, following higher than expected demand.

Romania Ups Clunkers Program Budget To Issue 50,000 Extra Scrapping Vouchers

Romania’s Government on Wednesday supplemented the budget for the country’s clunkers program and will issue 50,000 additional scrapping vouchers.

Romania To Supplement Funds Again For Clunkers Program On High Demand

Romania’s Government will again hike the budget assigned to the country’s clunkers program because 94,000 out of 110,000 car scrap vouchers have already been distributed, Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Wednesday.

Romanian Govt Introduces New Eligibility Conditions For Program Helping Students Buy Computers

The Romanian Government introduced new conditions to be considered in the program by which students coming from families with low incomes are granted EUR200 to purchase computers.

Romania Environment Min: Over 100,000 Old Cars Will Be Scrapped Under 2010 Clunkers Program

Romania’s Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Tuesday evening that over 100,000 old cars will be scrapped under the 2010 clunkers program, which, he stressed, has set off on the right foot and its success mainly favors the local carmakers.

Romanian Govt Allots Extra RON195M For 2010 Clunkers Program

The Romanian Government assigned an additional 195 million lei (EUR1=RON4.0821) for the 2010 clunkers program, to issue 50,000 new vouchers used to scrap old cars, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.

Romania To Assign Extra Vouchers For 2010 Clunkers Program – PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday evening the Government will allot starting next week between 40,000 and 50,000 new vouchers for the 2010 clunkers program, as vouchers originally assigned for this year's program have been exhausted in less than one month.

Romanian Self-Financed Public Institutions Exempt From Meal Voucher Ban

Romanian public institutions financed entirely through their own means, such as schools and hospitals, will be allowed to grant meal vouchers to their employees, an exception to the rule imposed by the Government as of next year.

Romanian Govt Bans Meal, Gift, Vacation Vouchers To Public Sector Staff In 2010

Romania’s government will ban central and local public institutions from granting meal, gift and vacation vouchers in 2010, according to the 2010 draft budget.

Romanian Environ Min Proposes 3 For 1 Offer In Car Park Renewal Program

Romania’s Environment Ministry proposed the introduction of vouchers worth 3,800 lei (EUR1=RON4.2372) for scrapping cars that are more than ten years old, and one buyer can use up to three such vouchers to buy a new vehicle, the ministry said Wednesday.

Ban On Granting Vacation Vouchers To Affect Romanian Tourism – Union Leader

The ban on granting gift and vacation vouchers to public sector employees would seriously affect the country’s tourism sector, Bogdan Hossu, head of the country’s "Cartel Alfa" union confederation, said Friday in response to the government’s intention to ban these vouchers.