wage law

Romanian Constitutional Court Clears Unitary Wage Law

The Romanian Constitutional Court on Tuesday ruled constitutional the unitary wage law for which the Government recently sought lawmakers’ confidence vote.

Romanian Constitutional Court To Rule On Unitary Wage, Education Laws Tuesday

The Romanian Constitutional Court on Tuesday will examine the notifications submitted by opposition parties, targeting the unitary wage law and the education law, for which the Government sought lawmakers’ confidence vote.

Romanian Opp Social Democrats To Challenge 2011 Wage Law At Constitutional Court

The Romanian opposition Social Democratic Party will challenge the wage law for 2011 at the Constitutional Court if the opposition’s no-confidence motion over the normative act is rejected by lawmakers, party leader Victor Ponta said Monday.

Romanian Govt Approves 6/24 Amendments To Unitary Wage Law

Romania’s Government has approved six out of 24 amendments submitted by lawmakers to the unitary wage bill for the public sector, for which the Government plans to seek a confidence vote in Parliament Tuesday.

EC Calls On Romania To Exempt Energy Regulator From Unitary Wage Law

The European Commission has warned the Romanian Government the application of the unitary wage law on the country’s energy regulator ANRE could affect the institution’s independence which could bring about an infringement procedure, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Govt To Seek Conf Vote To Pass Wage Bill On Dec 14

Romania’s Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament on December 14 to pass into legislation an IMF-required unitary wage bill for the public sector and the 2011 state budget law will be sent to Parliament for approval next week, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday.

Romanian Govt Postpones Approving Wage Law For Wednesday Over Lack Of OK From Econ Council

Romania’s Government will not discuss the IMF-required unitary wage law Monday because it has not yet received a stance form the country’s Economic and Social Council and has postponed its approval for Wednesday, said spokeswoman Ioana Muntean.

Romanian Govt Holds Cabinet Meeting Monday To Approve Wage Law

Leaders of Romania’s ruling coalition have assembled for a meeting at the Government’s headquarters in Bucharest Monday morning ahead of a Cabinet meeting to approve an IMF-required wage law for the public sector.

Romanian Govt Set To Approve Public Sector Wage Bill Monday

Romania’s Government will approve the IMF-required unitary wage law for the public sector in a Cabinet meeting Monday and will then be sent to Parliament before the Government seeks a confidence vote to pass it into legislation, Government spokeswoman Ioana Muntean said late Wednesday.

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Govt Bans Financial Incentives For Public Sector Next Year

Romanian state workers won’t get incentives, meal, gift or vacation vouchers next year either and overtime will be rewarded with days off instead of extra pay, according to the unitary wage bill obtained by MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Public Sector Unitary Wage Grid Won’t Apply In 2011 – Draft

The salaries of Romanian public servants will not be pegged to a wage grid in 2011, the total value of bonuses and compensation may not exceed 30% of their salary and the monthly incentives given to high performers will be capped at two base salaries per year.

Romania’s Govt Wants To Pass Wage Bill Through Confidence Vote

The Romanian Government will seek lawmakers’ confidence vote to pass the country’s public sector wage bill into legislation, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Monday.

Romanian Opp Liberals To Submit No-Conf Motion Over Public Sector Wage Law

Romania’s opposition Liberal Party pledges to submit a no-confidence emotion if the Government seeks a confidence vote to adopt the IMF-required public sector wage law, liberal Eugen Nicolaescu said Wednesday.

Romanian Govt Might Seek Conf Vote To Pass Public Sector Wage Law

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday the Government might seek a confidence vote in parliament to pass the IMF-required public sector wage law, but a final decision would be made within the ruling coalition.

Romanian President Says Govt Likely To Seek Conf Vote To Pass Public Wage Law

Romanian President Traian Basescu said he doesn’t think the country’s unitary pay law for the public sector will go through Parliament because it may get stuck there indefinitely and the Government will likely seek a confidence vote for its adoption.

Romanian Public Sector Unitary Wage Law To Be Revised – Unions

Romania’s public sector wage law will be revised in its entirety and will no longer be based on 2009’s salaries, but on those of 2010, reduced through the austerity measures, and a new law will be issued every year to set the new wage level, said unionists after talks with Prime Minister Emil Boc.

Romania’s Wage Law Must Be Amended To Show Results In 2011 – IMF Official

The International Monetary Fund’s mission chief to Bucharest, Jeffrey Franks, said Thursday after talks with Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan that the country’s unitary wage law must be amended so that its principles take effect in 2011.

Romanian Public Servants Call Off Plans To Strike Wednesday

Romanian public servants have agreed to suspend plans for a full-blown strike until May 21 following talks with government officials, who promised Tuesday to look into cases where people had their wages lowered under the country’s new wage law for the public sector.

Romanian Unionists Boo PM, Call For His Resignation Over Pension, Wage Laws

Romanian unionists protesting outside the government headquarters Friday booed and threw snowballs at Prime Minister Emil Boc, whom they asked to resign from the headship of the Government, dissatisfied with the Executive's planned pension reform and unitary wage law.

Romania Pledges To Approve Unitary Wage Law Norms By September 2010

Romania’s Government pledged to approve the norms to implement the unitary wage law by the end of September, cut staff expenses, other than wage costs, by 30%, as well as reduce bonuses for civil staff, according to the country’s additional letter of intent to the standby agreement with the IMF.

Unitary Wage Law To Include Distinct Chapter For Emergency Health Sector – Romanian Health Min

The final format of the unitary wage law will include a distinct chapter regarding basic wages of specialized and auxiliary personnel in emergency healthcare, Romanian Health Minister Ion Bazac said Monday.

The Unitary Wage Law Has Been Finalized – Romanian Fin Min

Romanian Finance Minister Gheorghe Pogea said Friday, after talks at the Labor Ministry, that the unitary wage law in the public sector has been finalized and that he is confident this law will solve many of the problems that were discussed during negotiations.

Unionists To Protest If Romanian Govt Assumes Responsibility For Current Wage Draft Law

Unionists will start protests if the Romanian Government assumes responsibility before Parliament for the current unitary wage draft law, which is not ready despite latest amendments, said "Sed Lex" union head, Vasile Marica.

Romanian Public Sector Wage Law To Be Amended By October 30 Under IMF Agreement

The Romanian Government has pledged to adopt the public sector unitary wage law by October 30, 2009, leaving at least three years for the gradual implementation of the new law, according to Romania’s stand-by agreement with the IMF, published Wednesday.

Romania’s Public Sector Unitary Pay Law Can Be Applied As Of 2021 – Union Leader

Romania’s unitary wage law for the public sector will be applicable as of 2021, Vasile Marica, head of the "Sed Lex" union federation, said Tuesday following a meeting of the working group drafting the law.

Romanian Unitary Wage Law To Include Seniority, Loyalty, Confidentiality Bonuses In Basic Wage

Romanian Labor Ministry state secretary Valentin Mocanu said Thursday that basic wages in the public sector will include general bonuses such as those for seniority or confidentiality, and other bonuses will be granted separately depending on budgets.