white house

Bush se pregăteşte pentru nunta fiicei sale, Jenna

Preşedintele american George W. Bush a încercat să determine Coreea de Nord să renunţe la armamentul nuclear şi să tempereze violenţele din Irak şi Afganistan, însă în ultima vreme pare preocupat de nunta fiicei sale Jenna.

Romanian Tennis Legend Invited For Lunch At The White House

Romanian former tennis player Ilie Nastase, world’s best player in 1973, waited for American president George W. Bush at Victoria Palace, after calling Romanian prime minister Calin Tariceanu on the phone and requesting permission to come to the Government’s headquarters.

White House: Bush Travels To „Constadt” To Meet Romanian President „Vasesque”

U.S. president George W. Bush will travel to Constadt [sic], on Romania's Black Sea coast, to meet with Romanian president Vasesque [sic], according to the transcript of the press briefing by national security advisor, published on the White House official website.