
Romania’s Winter Fuel Stocks Ensured, After RON4.3B Investment

The Romanian Economy Ministry on Friday said it ensured fuel stocks for electricity and heat producers during the winter period, following investments of 4.3 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2046).

Romanian Pres Issues Post-EU Council Statement, “National Interest Was Served”

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Friday, at the end of the winter European Council, that he managed, together with Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu, to serve national interest, referring to the decisions made by the European forum, the last one organized under the French EU presidency.

Un delfin care şi-a pierdut coada înoată cu ajutorul unei proteze

Un delfin din Statele Unite ale Americii care şi-a pierdut coada după ce a fost prins într-o capcană, în 2006, a început să înoate după ce a primit o proteză, relatează The Times.

Romanian Authorities Close 11 Roads Over Winter

The Romanian Road Company will close, during the winter, national road sectors with low traffic and high risk of massive snowfalls, since snow removal operations in these roads would involve high costs.