
Secretarul adjunct al Apărării Statelor Unite, Robert O.Work, a confundat Bucureştiul cu Budapesta

Secretarul adjunct al Apărării Statelor Unite, Robert O.Work, a confundat Bucureştiul cu Budapesta, în discursul său de la inaugurarea scutului de la Deveselu, el afirmând că "seara trecută a petrecut un anume timp în Budapesta".

President: Nine EU States’ Decision To Keep Work Restrictions For Romanians Totally Unjustified

Romanian President Traian Basescu told diplomats Thursday that the decision of nine European Union member states not to lift work restrictions for Romanians is “completely unjustified.”

Romanian Govt To Punish Homeowners Who Refuse To Repair Their Degraded Buildings

Owners of deteriorated homes in Romania will be obliged to finance exterior work, such as repairs, plastering or painting, and will be temporarily exempt from paying property taxes if they finance the work themselves, but will otherwise face a fine or even prison.

Nearly 900 Employees Of Romanian Car Parts Mkr Dräexlmaier Hunedoara Resume Work

Nearly 900 employees of Romanian car parts maker Draexlmaier Hunedoara, of the 2,000 employees put on technical unemployment in December 2008, resumed work on January 6 and all employees will get back to work on January 12, union leader Marin Andreescu said Tuesday.

UK Granted Over 30,000 Work Cards To Romanians, Bulgarians In 2007

British authorities granted 30,570 work cards to Romanian and Bulgarian nationals in 2007, the government said in a statement Tuesday.