work contracts

Over One Million New Labor Contracts Registered In Romania Under New Labor Code – PM

Nearly one million new work contracts have been registered in Romania since the new Labor Code took effect, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday at the summer school of his ruling Democratic Liberal Party’s youth organization.

Almost 250,000 New Work Contracts Signed In Romania In May – Labor Min

Romanian acting Labor Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday that almost 250,000 new work contracts have been signed this month, bringing the total to more than the number of active contracts at the end of 2008, before the economic crisis.

Over 117,000 Work Contracts Signed Since Romania’s New Labor Code Took Effect

Over 117,000 individual work contracts were signed in Romania between May 2 and May 9, after authorities started checkups aimed to eliminate illegal jobs, the Work Inspection said in a press release Tuesday.

Romanian PM Says 42,000 Work Contracts Signed Since New Labor Code Took Effect

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday 42,000 work contracts have been signed over the past two days, after authorities started checkups aimed to eliminate illegal jobs.

Romanian Private Sector Minimum Wage Set At RON700

Romanian unionists and employers on Friday signed the national collective work Contract which sets the minimum wage in the private sector at 700 lei (EUR1=RON4.2953) and increases wages of qualified workers and foremen.