work permits

Romania Labor Ministry Wants 8,000 Work Permits Released For Foreigners In 2010

Romania might release 8,000 work permits in 2010 for citizens of non-European Union countries, which would bring nearly EUR1,600,000 in revenues to the state budget, according to a draft decision put up for debate by the country’s Labor Ministry.

Romania To Release 10,000 Work Permits For Foreigners In ‘09– Labor Min Official

Romania will release nearly 10,000 work permits for foreign citizens in 2009 and the number could go up in ratio with market requirements, Marius Lazar, secretary of state with Romania’s Labor Ministry, said Sunday in western city of Arad.

Romanians, Bulgarians Without Work Permits Must Leave The Netherlands

Unemployed Romanians and Bulgarians in the Netherlands, as well as citizens of countries that are not member states of the European Union, will have to leave the Netherlands if they lose their job, Sofia Echo daily reported citing the local press.