
Code Yellow Warning Of Snow, Blizzards In Romania Tuesday-Thursday

Romanian meteorologists issued Monday a code yellow weather warning forecasting snow throughout most Romanian regions and blizzards in mountain areas Tuesday noon through hursday noon.

Romanian Weather Admin Issues Code Yellow Warning Of Upcoming Chilly Weather, Rain

Romania's weather administration authority ANM issued Monday code yellow warning of wind and rains, valid between Tuesday morning, 6 am, and Thursday, 12 pm.

Romanian Meteorologists Widen Code Yellow Warning To Include Most Counties

Romanian meteorologists widened the code yellow warning for rains and storm to include almost all Romanian counties and Bucharest, and the warning is valid between Thursday, 15.00 local time, and Friday, 18.00 local time.

Coldplay înregistrează fără Chris Martin (Video)

Solistul trupei Coldplay, Chris Martin, a declarat pentru un post de radio din Londra, că a fost exclus de la înregistrările formaţiei din care face parte, informează

Code Yellow Flood Warning For 25 Romanian Counties

Romanian hydrologists instated flood code yellow for 25 counties, starting Saturday and ending Tuesday afternoon, considering the potential effects of rains forecast for this weekend.