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Moldovan Police Squads Attacked Pro TV Chisinau Staff
Constantin Rogodantev, camera operator for Moldovan TV station Pro TV, was assaulted Thursday night by police squads protecting the headquarters of Moldovan government, Pro TV Chisinau reported.
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While Rogodantev was doing his job, two police officers hit him and forced him to hand over everything he had managed to get on tape. The Pro TV team constantly keeps people informed on the situation in Chisinau.
Pro TV Chisinau urged the Moldovan Interior Ministry to identify and punish the respective police officers involved in the incident.
Moreover, Pro TV Chisinau called on the ministry to protect all journalists who, while mingling among protesters and police squads to do their job, are constantly in danger.
Over the last few days, several Romanian journalists have been expelled from the Republic of Moldova or harassed by Moldovan authorities.
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