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Destatis – Labor Costs Rose 10.6% In Romania In 2016, The Highest Growth Rate In The EU

Labor costs rose over 10% in Romania in 2016, reaching EUR5.40 per hour, which translates into the highest growth rate in the European Union, placing Romania 27th among the EU28, according to data by Germany’s Federal Statistical Office (Destatis).
Destatis - Labor Costs Rose 10.6% In Romania In 2016, The Highest Growth Rate In The EU

Labor costs in the production sectors and in service provision activities increased by 10.6% on the year in 2016, in Romania, compared with a growth rate of only 1.6% in the EU28.

Thus, labor costs in Romania reached EUR5.40 per hour, compared with an average of EUR25.7 per hour in the EU and of EUR30.0 per hour in the euro zone. Romania remains a country in which labor costs are very low compared with the other EU countries, placing Romania 27th among the EU28.

The highest labor costs are registered in Denmark (EUR43.4/hour), and the lowest are registered in Bulgaria (EUR4.40/hour), according to calculations by Destatis, based on data provided on March 29, 2017 by EU’s statistical office Eurostat.