Romanian President Says Money Laundering Trials Take Too Long

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Friday the country has trouble trying money laundering cases and reaching a final court ruling takes too long, adding magistrates need to specialize in such cases.


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Romanian President Says Money Laundering Trials Take Too Long

“It is clear we have deficiencies when it comes to trying money laundering and organized crime cases,” Basescu said during a debate organized by the National Office for the Prevention and Fight against Money Laundering and the Romanian government.

The head of state added prosecutors and judges need further training, as it is clear, he said, that a judge unfamiliar with such cases will take long to decide in a money laundering and organized crime case.

"Prosecutors’ offices and courts need to have specialized people who understand the phenomenon, to speed up decisions in such cases and only then will we get the desired social effect of convictions in such cases. If it takes ten years to reach a sentence, the defendant has all the time in the world to continue such practices meanwhile,” Basescu said.

Basescu added the country’s Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code also need amendments in this respect, adding “money from illicit activities threaten national security."


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