Romania Had Biggest Government Deficit in EU in 3Q/2018

Romania had the biggest government deficit in the European Union in the third quarter of 2018, of 3.6% of gross domestic product, Eurostat data showed Monday.


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Romania Had Biggest Government Deficit in EU in 3Q/2018

At the opposite end, Malta posted a surplus of 3.8% of GDP, followed by Portugal and Bulgaria, with surpluses of 3.6% of GDP each.

Romania's government deficit stood at 3.8% of GDP in the first quarter of 2018 and at 2.3% of GDP in the second quarter.

In the EU 28, the government deficit stood at 0.6% of GDP in the third quarter, wider compared with 0.4% of GDP in the second quarter. In the euro area, the government deficit stood at 0.5% of GDP in the third quarter, up from 0.3% of GDP in the second quarter.

Twelve member stats registered surplus in the third quarter, the data showed.

In the EU 28, government revenues accounted for 44.9% of GDP in the third quarter, the same as in the second quarter, while expenditure accounted for 45.5% of GDP in the third quarter compared with 45.3% of GDP in the second quarter.

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